Goals (a square of cones) are formed at either end a basketball court or oval. Divide the class into 2 teams. Each team commences at either end of
Drop Off Relay
Whole class is split into groups of 5 or 6. A cone is placed at the start and at the drop off point 5-10m. First person in the team runs out and
Line To Line Relay
Whole class is split into groups of 4 - 8. Set up cones 6-10m apart for each group. The group starts side by side in the middle of the cones. On
Toe Tapper
In pairs the bouts always begin and end with a bow of respect. The aim is to tap the toe/s of your opponent with your feet. The bout concludes
Sumo Wrestling
Create a circle with cones about 3m in diameter. In pairs the bouts always begin with and end with a bow of respect. The aim is to take your
Sitting Back To Back
In pairs everyone sits back to back with a partner with arms interlocked. Bend knees and draw feet in towards buttocks. Push down through feet and
Leg Jumping
Students work in pairs for this challenge. One student sits on the ground with their legs straight out in front of them. The other student stands
The aim of this activity is to lead your partner, with their eyes closed, around an area using only a touch pressure. Students stand in pairs facing
Students work in pairs. Partners stand facing each other with a ball or hoop placed on the ground between them. Partners hold each other’s hands