Divide the group into two teams. Create a playing space with a centre line and two base lines at each end to mark the safe zones. Each team goes
Untie The Knot
Each group of students (8-10) stands in a tight circle, facing inwards. Each student should then place their left hand into the circle and hold
To incorporate decision making whilst in movement. Provide participants with a broad range of physical challenges. Equipment Cones,
Space Hunters
Students continually move around in the nominated area hunting for space. The space will come and go as the group moves, the hunt is
Secret Admirer
Each student identifies one other student from the group and doesn’t tell anyone. Each student is now the Secret Admirer of one other. Each secret
Pirate Ship
Set up an area with a bow (front) and stern (back) like the deck of a ship. As Captain of the ship ask the group to perform appropriate
Numbering The Lines
Number the four sides of a rectangular area 1,2,3,4. The rectangular area should be no larger than a basketball court. The Coach will call out a
Imaginative Movements
Ask group to move in imaginative ways. Equipment Cones to designate
Human Log Carry
Divide the class into groups of 8-10. Each group has to carry each person across a set distance. All team members to be involved in the