Kneel on floor then bend forward placing hands directly under the shoulders and the knees directly under the hips. This is a four point hands and
Bow Pose
Lie flat on your stomach and bend your knees. Reach back and take hold of your ankles with both hands. Holding your ankles, extend your heels up
Spider Pose
Begin sitting on the floor. Legs straight, back long. Lengthen through the heels and take the head to the roof to create 90 degree angle. Place
Single Leg Balance (with Hip Extension)
From Mountain Pose (1), exhale and bend the trunk forward from the hips. Place the hands on blocks or on the floor. Lift the left leg in line with
Rotated Single Leg Balance
Stand in Mountain Pose (1). Place your hands on your hips and begin to tilt your trunk forward from the hips, allow your left leg to come off the
Raised Leg Pose (Rotated)
Stand in Mountain Pose (1). Exhale, bend the right leg and hold the big toe of the right foot with the thumb, index and middle fingers of the left
Raised Leg Pose (Open)
Stand in Mountain Pose (1). Exhale, bend the right leg and hold the big toe of the right foot between the thumb, index and middle fingers of the
Raised Leg Pose (Neutral)
Begin in mountain pose (1). Breathe in and on exhalation, lift right leg to hold foot in right hand. Left hand on waist – extend right
Open Single Leg Balance
Start in Mountain Pose (1). On inhalation raise both arms to the side until they are parallel to the ground - palms facing down. Bend forward from